Trivium | In The Court Of The Dragon

We need you to go out and find the dragons. Check back each day to find out where you can go to find them. If you find one, be sure to let us know on social media with the hashtag #InTheCourtOfTheDragon.
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  • Click on the city below and you will be guided to the exact location of the dragon. Bring your phone with you to the physical location... Pokemon Go style. If you spot a dragon, take a photo and tag it with #InTheCourtOfTheDragon.  
  • Click on the cities below and you will be guided to the exact location of the dragons. Bring your phone with you to the physical location... Pokemon Go style. If you spot a dragon, take a photo and tag it with #InTheCourtOfTheDragon.  
  • Click on the cities below and you will be guided to the exact location of the dragons. Bring your phone with you to the physical location... Pokemon Go style. If you spot a dragon, take a photo and tag it with #InTheCourtOfTheDragon.  
  • Click on the cities below and you will be guided to the exact location of the dragons. Bring your phone with you to the physical location... Pokemon Go style. If you spot a dragon, take a photo and tag it with #InTheCourtOfTheDragon.  
  • Click on the cities below and you will be guided to the exact location of the dragons. Bring your phone with you to the physical location... Pokemon Go style. If you spot a dragon, take a photo and tag it with #InTheCourtOfTheDragon.  
  • Click on the cities below and you will be guided to the exact location of the dragons. Bring your phone with you to the physical location... Pokemon Go style. If you spot a dragon, take a photo and tag it with #InTheCourtOfTheDragon.  
  • Click on the cities below and you will be guided to the exact location of the dragons. Bring your phone with you to the physical location... Pokemon Go style. If you spot a dragon, take a photo and tag it with #InTheCourtOfTheDragon.  
  • Click on the cities below and you will be guided to the exact location of the dragons. Bring your phone with you to the physical location... Pokemon Go style. If you spot a dragon, take a photo and tag it with #InTheCourtOfTheDragon.